
as a method for the conservation
of natural resources

There can be no greater issue than that
of conservation in this country.

— Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States of America, from 1901 to 1909. He was an avid hunter of big animals and defender of habitat and wildlife conservation. During his administration, he stablished five national parks and protected over 230,000,000 acres of public land. Roosevelt made

conservation a top priority during his administration. He was a nature lover, this led him to have a strong commitment to its conservation. When he took office in 1901, there were 45 million acres of national parks, at the end of his administration there were over 196 million acres.


The Tarahumara Autumn

Today’s world is undergoing a universal crisis that does not respect borders, cultures, races, ideologies, or religions. Poverty, drug trafficking and corruption are just some of the problems the Tarahumaras are facing day by day.

The documentary explores the worldview of the Rarámuri people in our contemporary world as a tool to creates consciousness, to preserve their knowledge and traditions, but especially to save their forest which they consider their home.

Hunting reservations in North America are testimony to the economic success that a good wildlife conservation plan produces. The White Mountain Apache Reservation and San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona, are good examples of such hunting and conservation programs.

The cost of an Elk hunting license in one of this reservations can cost an average of $25,000 (twenty-five thousand dollars), and several licenses are sold every year. For the community, this project represents a high profit.

In a civilized and cultivated country wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen. the excellent people who protest against all hunting, and consider sportsmen as enemies of wild life, are ignorant of the fact that in reality the genuine sportsman is by all odds the most important factor in keeping the larger and more valuable wild creatures from total extermination.

— Theodore Roosevelt

The Ultimate Pursuit in Hunting: Sheep

New York Times article

When visiting the Tarahumara, it becomes evident the sadness that surrounds the millenary culture which is being destroyed by well-known factors: drug trafficking, corruption and above all the destruction of the forest.

When talking with the community one thing becomes very clear, what they want is to have their forest no longer mistreated. The forest is their home, their livelihood, it is where they get their fuel, water and food.

Hunting Models


Six bullets for defending the forest:
the brutal murder of Isidro Baldenegro

Article by El País

Juan Ontiveros assassinated, the second ecologist
leader shot in Mexico in less than a month

Article by El País

More than 120 ecologists have been
killed in Honduras since 2010

Article by El País


Wild Meat, Wild Harvest
Video by Elk Network

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